Thursday, July 22, 2010

As much as I hate to admit it,

Jim Morrison was right: people are strange. The local laundromat that I go to has fifteen washing machines, ten dryers, and one laundry cart (why, I don't know; it's a small space). I only use the dryers there, because I have access to a good washing machine. Of the dryers there, only three (#s 1, 2, & 3) work really well. When I got there to dry my clothes yesterday, this guy was taking his laundry out, but one piece at a time, folding every sheet and pillowcase and setting them to the side. A little rude, because I was standing right behind him with my stuff in the laundry cart, but I admired the efficiency of it somewhat. Then he was down to one piece in # 1, which was the one I wanted anyway, so I thought "Good." And THEN he took out his phone and was either reading a text or sending one! I actually had to say out loud, "Look. I'll wait for you to fold laundry, but I will not wait for you to text! Ridiculous!" He hurried up, I put my clothes in, and left.


Christopher Stigliano said...


Anonymous said...

Now we know what blogs are for!